
Investigativ AI Reports

Request deep-dive analysis and investigative reports using BITE AI tools and worldwide trade data, validated by trade / enforcement SMEs.

Leverage Worldwide Trade Data

BITE AI models are trained against billions of open source trade data elements from across the world allowing for deep-dive output

Reports Tailored to You

Our Team of Data Scientists and SMEs tailor our report output to your needs, iterating on the results with you

Multiple Domains

We cover Intellectual Property Rights, Strategic Trade Control, Tariff Evasions, Anti-dumping, Sanctions Evasion and more.

Get started with the Trade Protection module

Start your 14-day free trial today.
BITE now includes billions of trade records from around the world, stored in our platform and leveraged by AI models. Once data is available in the model, BITE data scientists and subject matter experts use the data to investigate specific areas for customers to create deep-dive investigative reports and identify entities that engage in risky trade practices.  Accessing BITE and getting started with a deep-dive data requests is easy:

‍1. Log in to BITE here
2. Create your team
3. Request analysis accessing the BITE Vault, submitting information about the topic you want researched, and clicking ‘Request Further Analysis’ at the bottom of the page.

Interested to know how BITE helps you with trade compliance - check out our BITE U training section on our website
Start Your Free Trial Now
BITE is a Comprehensive tool, that helps you secure your supply chain, keep brands safe and reduce trade with illicit entities. The app is easy-to-use, cost effective, includes AI-based entity matching and is accessible via web app or API.

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