

Get the power of OpenAI’s GPT-4 Turbo, trained on compliance data.
BITE-GPT allows users to ask complex questions, and receive straightforward answers.

BITE-GPT is trained against the millions of entity and commodity-related data sets in BITE, and is also capable of reaching out to the open internet to request data on answers that are not contained in BITE data.

350+ Screening Lists

Get access to worldwide screening lists to identify sanctioned entities in your supply chain

Entity Resolution

Refine your searches and ensure higher accuracy with AI-drivn entity resolution tools

Filter by Government Agency

Drill down to the country > agency > list level to filter out unwanted results

Get started with the BITE GBT module

Start your 14-day free trial today.
Accessing BITE and getting started with the BITE GPT is easy.

1. Login to BITE here.
2. Create your team
3. Access the BITE GPT module on the home page

Interested to know how BITE helps you with trade compliance - check out how-to guides here.
Start Your Free Trial Now
BITE is a comprehensive tool that helps you secure your supply chain, keep brands safe, and reduce trade with illicit entities.

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